27 November 2010

Mort Todd French book cover with Fantômas & Barbarella in a Rock Band

Publisher Camion Blanc has released a new book by Jean-Emmanuel DeLuxe called Cinepop, about the mixture of pop music and film in France. The cover is by Mort Todd and features French film icons Barbarella, Marianne Faithful, Fantômas and Louis DeFunes.

The book is subtitled the "Dictionary of Pop & Rock in Film" and described thusly:

"Cinépop est le premier dictionnaire de la pop et du rock au cinéma ! L’ouvrage aborde tout un pan méconnu et vital de la culture : quand le rock se frotte à la caméra. Là où le cinéma fait : Zip-she-bang ! Pow ! Blop ! Whizz ! Mais mieux qu’un dictionnaire, Cinépop est un essai subjectif et parfois de mauvaise foi sur les liens entre pop musique, rock et cinéma. Un voyage aux frontières des séries (B, C, Z) qui donne une furieuse envie de redécouvrir acteurs, actrices, réalisateurs, compositeurs, films, genres… Une chance à ne pas rater… pour qui aime encore la musique et le cinéma et leurs faces obscures."

The book is available here.

Jean-Emmanuel DeLuxe also interviewed Mort for the French comic Strange #12 about Mort's work in comics, film and music.

Strange has a long history of reprinting Marvel Comics reprints in French and currently publishes comics starring creator-owned characters created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Joe Simon. This issue had a wicked Kirby cover of his Thunderfoot creation. See more at the Organic Comix website and order here.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice cover. I look forward to reading Cinépop.
    Thanks for the review :)

